Saturn in Pisces

Taking Responsibility For the Vision
Saturn will be joining us here in Pisces from March 7, 2023 – May 24, 2025, then it briefly moves into Aries before a retrograde back into Pisces for a final time from September 1, 2025 – February 13, 2026. So we’re kicking off a 2.5 year cycle of collectively taking responsibility for how we show up in the world through our magic.
For the collective, this time of Saturn in Pisces is an invitation to take responsibility for the Vision. When we take ownership for how we want the world to look, we commit ourselves to the magic of possibility and connect our intuition with specific foundation-setting actions. We float in the dreams, we live in the beauty and blessings, and we determine what we need to do to build our ideal world. We let our heart, our soul, our emotions, our intuition lead us into the mystical realms, allowing us to draw out the truth of what is possible for the future, and then we commit ourselves to ensuring we know how to make it a reality.
During this review of place and path, we are encouraged to continually look at our own roles in the vision we’ve created and decide if it will truly serve us and our communities. We are asked to survey the imagined landscape and determine if it aligns with our personal blueprints, with our values and beliefs. At this time of envisioning, we are invited to surrender part of ourselves to the dreamy flow of possibilities while keeping one foot grounded in reality; helping us to direct the course of the intuitive stream. We honor all the wildness of vision while simultaneously exercising our own agency and desires.
It might be difficult to trust our own magic and emotional worlds, and we might feel a pull from Saturn to put limits on how far we step into the space beyond the veil. We may feel rushed into making something productive from the mystical or swing between fantasy and pessimism, wondering how the idyllic world of our imagination could ever be possible. The balance exists in surrendering fully to the possibility of our ambitions while acknowledging the practical requirements and consequences of truly living them. It is preserving the magic of our wildest dreams in a way that enables us to interact with them in the physical world.
For those experiencing a Saturn Return, Saturn in Pisces starts a new period of aligning core values with life paths.
If you were born between May 21, 1993 - June 30, 1993 or Jan 28, 1994 - April 7, 1996, congratulations! You will be experiencing your first Saturn Return. This is your invitation to take stock of where you are going and to ask if it aligns with who you want to be and what you value. If anything needs to shift, the responsibility lies with you to make it happen.
If you were born between March 23, 1964 - Sep 16, 1964 and Dec 16, 1964 - March 3, 1967, this will be your second Saturn Return! Similar to the first, this second return is an opportunity to check in with the trajectory of life so far, recognizing any changes that need to be made and to hold yourself accountable for any adjustments that will shape the next several decades of your life.
The honor of seeing a third Saturn Return will be occurring for those born between February 14, 1935 - April 25, 1937 and October 17, 1937 - January 14, 1938. Use this time to evaluate the legacy you will leave and determine how you might continue to be the best guide and ancestor for future generations.
In your own chart, pay attention to any planets you have in Pisces to see how Saturn might impact you. In addition, you can look at the transits of Jupiter and Neptune, the traditional and modern rulers of Pisces, to give you more depth in understanding this period.
Overall, for us all, Saturn in Pisces is a time to help us alchemize our wisdom by committing to what we have envisioned, and taking our intuition seriously. So let’s dive into the magic!
About the author:
Victoria started engaging with the tarot and with astrology in 2015 during what she later learned was a Tower year. Her practice integrates tarot and astrology, with the goals of achieving more self-empowerment and greater self-understanding through these tools. If you’re interested in learning about the impacts of Saturn in Pisces on your own chart, or astrology/tarot readings geared towards growth and soul connection, you can book Victoria for a virtual reading. Learn more @thescalesofthegoat on Instagram, or at
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