The Riffle

Meet the Magician. They have all four suits at their fingertips; pentacles, swords, wands, and cups. They possess the energies of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and all genders. They are a conduit for creative energy passing between the spiritual and physical. The magician embodies the energy of all genders. The Magician has EVERYTHING they need to move forward.

If this card has come up for you, consider that it might be time to finally put your creative energy to work.

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At its core, Divination is a way of knowing. We ask a question, and an answer comes to us by means of whatever tools we use to practice. Cards (cartomancy), books (bibliomancy), dreams (oneiromancy), tea leaves (tasseology), and the list goes on. Across the globe, the practice of communicating with Spirit or deeper levels of the self through the use of objects and experience has been used to guide people for centuries.
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